Smart Tips For Cold Weather Coating Applications That Will Save You Time

Posted by Maribeth Taylor on Feb 8, 2018 11:30:00 AM

It’s common knowledge that colder temperatures can impact the curing of coatings. To achieve the optimum performance properties of the coating, special attention to the manufacturer’s application guidelines is needed.

Applications at colder temperatures, or below the manufacturer’s recommendations, require experienced contractors who are familiar with CIM products. 

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Topics: CIM Documentation, drying concrete, Concrete coating, CIM Cold Weather Application

How to Dry Concrete Prior to a Coating Application

Posted by Jeff Raglani on Jan 15, 2018 1:30:00 AM

Coatings fail to bond to concrete for two reasons:   

  1. Lack of sufficient surface profile.
  2. Moisture in the concrete

Today, most coating manufacturers require concrete substrates to be dry (<5% moisture content) with low vapor transmission (< 3-5lbs per 1000 sq. ft./24 hours) before applying most types of membranes. This applies to both new and existing concrete substrates, although each may have its own set of moisture-related problems. For example, a 90-year-old poured-in-place partially buried concrete tank may face an entirely different set of circumstances from a newly constructed concrete slab with a steel tank mounted on it. Ultimately, the concrete needs to be dry prior to coating.

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Topics: CIM 1000 Premix, CIM blog topic, CIM Documentation, drying concrete

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